Kithen Towel Toppers
Every year I like to use one of my hobbies to make up some gifts for my co-workers, just to spread some Christmas cheer. This year I settled on kitchen towels with crocheted toppers for the ladies and home baked cookies for the men (men are too easy). I knew the theme in a few of the ladies' kitchens so I knew what type of towel to use, the rest I just sort of felt out. Each got a set of two coordinating towels. I searched through several patterns before I found one that I liked.
Braided Scarf
My sweet, sweet, sweet Mommy has made me a few scarves in my life time, and each time I wear one of them, I always think of her when I put them on. And then again through out the day when I get tons of compliments on them. I always brag how my mother made them for me and I wear them with pride and love. One particular scarf was a favorite of my managers and she had make a comment that she would like to order a replica of it from me...instead I whipped one up and gave it to her as a Christmas present. So now when I see her wear it, I'll think of Mommy again! :) Sorry it's not the best of pictures (I was lacking a model).
Doggie Sweaters
The holidays are coming up soon and the weather is getting colder. With all the hustle to plan holiday dinners and finding the perfect gift for all of your friends and loved ones, don't forget about the ones who are always by your side loving you no matter what...your pet! Some people say that it's torture to animals to "force" them to wear clothing. However, I say that if they look cute, and they ain't complaining, why the heck not?? I stitched up these little sweaters here for the colder days (although they are few and far between here in AZ) which my little angels.
Baseball Birthday
I made this cake for a co-worker, Justin, even though he hates when we make a big deal out of his birthday, lol. He did chuckle a bit, though, when I brought out the cake and he saw that it was a baseball...he loves the Arizona Diamondbacks. Happy Birthday Justin!
My 2nd Wedding Cake
Made this for my coworker and friend Cyndi and her husband's wedding to remarry in the Mormon Temple. Three tiers of white cake with buttercream frosting and cream cheese with strawberries filling. Silk rose flowers cascading around the cake.
Flower Basket Cake
I just completed Course II of Wilton Cake Decorating today and this was my final project: a basket of flowers. I did a slight different version than that of the lessons, which called for more of a spring-y look and I wanted to lean more towards an autumn appearance. But I'm partial to this cake...especially due to some difficulties with the cake that shall remain unspoken due to I don't feel like crying again! lol No but seriously, this cake was a lot of fun to make. It is a spice cake with buttercream frosting and royal icing flowers. I'm going to be saving it for my coworkers on Monday. I also heard that Monday or Tuesday is supposed to be the first day of fall so I guess the color theme is about right, huh?
My first Wedding Cake
Wow, I finally did it...a wedding cake! an old friend of mine was married yesterday and they had asked me to do the cake...I was excited at first then the closer it got to the time to deliver, the more nervous I got. I was a wreck by the time I got to the church. lol Anyway, the bride had asked for a sage bow because all of the decorations included sage bows. While this was fun to do, it was also a learning experience which I definitely use for the next time. Everyone said that they liked it...I so hope they did!
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